LeBron's final hurdle: the free throw line
MIAMI -- At the Heat's media day on Monday, LeBron James looked like a man completely at peace. For more than 20 minutes during his news conference, James spoke calmly, with supreme confidence, fully cognizant of his long line of accomplishments at age 28, his golden place in history and his promising future.
邁阿密報導-禮拜一熱火隊的媒體日,LeBron James看起來是個入禪般的人。在這20多分鐘的記者會中,James說話既平靜又充滿自信,徹底認知到他在28歲就達成的一長串成就、他在歷史中的地位和光明的未來。
“I want to be the greatest player of all time,” James said. “It’s that simple. But I’m far from that.”
James knows he’s the best basketball player on Earth, a two-time NBA champion and four-time MVP in his prime coming off the most lopsided MVP vote in league history. This past summer, he married his high-school sweetheart, traveled around Europe and watched his team reload after repeating as world champion. James has a lot to feel good about these days, to say the least.
James知道自己是現役地表最強籃球員,在巔峰時拿到兩屆NBA冠軍、四屆NBA的MVP,而且最近的MVP投票是聯盟史上得票數最懸殊的一次(譯按:和2000年的Shaquille O'Neal一樣,差一張第一名票)。這個暑假,他和他的高中情人結婚、環遊歐洲並且看著他的球隊在二連霸後持續補強。我們至少可以說他近來有不少可以爽的事。
But at Monday’s news conference, one thing seemed to rattle James while he sat on his figurative throne:
His lifelong battle with the free throw line.
The struggle
It’s the last area of the game he has yet to conquer.
What else is there? Last season, he ranked in the top five in scoring and eighth in assists. He shot better than 40 percent from 3-point range and raised his overall field goal percentage to a blistering 56.5 percent. He led his team in rebounds and committed a career-low 1.4 fouls per game. He topped the rest of the league in PER by a wide margin with a 31.7 rating and raised it to an astronomical 37.8 in clutch situations, according to NBA.com data.
The man who wants to be the greatest player of all time has pretty much mastered every technical skill in the book -- except for free throws, which just so happens to be the simplest skill of all. Just walk up to the line and shoot an uncontested shot from 15 feet. What’s so hard about that?
Nonetheless, James converted 75.3 percent of his free throws last season, which was the exact league average. Meanwhile, he is decidedly above-average in just about everything else. And he knows it, too. Which is why James made it his No. 1 priority this offseason (besides, you know, getting married).
Just before the Heat rode off into the summer sunset after winning the title, Heat boss Pat Riley said “our goal is to get [James] up over 90 percent from the free throw line.” But when asked about that bar on Monday, James laughed it off.
就在奪冠後的夏天尾聲時,熱火隊老大Pat Riley說:「我們的目標是讓James罰球命中率上升至90%。」但我們禮拜一提到這個問題時,James一笑置之。
“Ninty percent is not the goal, that is out of control,” James said, shaking his head to a roomful of laughter. “Let me get to 80 percent first. Let me get to 78 percent.”
James didn’t pick up that 78 percent figure out of thin air. That’s his career high for a season, set in 2008-09 in Cleveland, which is slightly above his career rate of 74.7 percent. But on Monday, in one of the few moments when James was actually asked about on-court matters, he made his call.
“Eighty percent is the goal,” James said. “Hopefully what I've been able to do in the offseason can translate to the game. I’m very focused on it and it’s something that I want to improve, but we’ll see what happens.”
Is 80 percent really that far-fetched for James? Depends how you look at it.
Consider this: Across an entire NBA season, the difference between a 75 percent shooter and an 80 percent shooter is turning one miss into a make every three games. That’s it. But if it were easy for James to do that, he probably would have done it by now.
James’ longest stretch of games in a regular season during which he’s shot at least 80 percent? Try 42 games. And he did it in his rookie season. In fact, he’s never shot 80 percent in any 30-game stretch in a Heat uniform. All in all, becoming an 80 percent free throw shooter for an entire season would require doubling his longest stretch of 80 percent shooting in his career.
Given James’ mastery of the sport, how is this possible? The average American probably knows a friend, co-worker or family member who shot 80 percent at some level in his or her basketball career. This is probably why free throw shooting has become a fetish of the critical NBA fan. If Joe from around the corner can hit free throws at the neighborhood park, why can’t the best player in the world?
Repetition makes perfect?
James still hasn't figured out the riddle. His problem, he’ll tell you, is repetition. One of the first things you learn as a basketball player is to find a free throw routine. One dribble, spin, shoot. Three dribbles and up. Whatever it is, just stick to it. But James hasn't mastered that part. He tweaks and overhauls his routine probably dozens of times every season.
“Obviously it becomes mental at some point when you go up there,” James said. “For me, it’s mental, it’s not physical. One game you make 11 out of 12. Next game you shoot 6 out of 13. Then you change it ... which is crazy.”
To a basketball coach, it is just that -- crazy. James fully understands that this is certifiably irrational and probably detrimental. A player doesn't scrap his routine after a random fluctuation at the line, just like a baseball player doesn't overhaul his batting stance after going 0-for-4 on a Saturday afternoon. Knowing this, James tried to correct his approach this summer, but it led to a psychological tug-of-war.
“This offseason I just stuck to the same routine,” James said. “Even if I missed four or five in a row I just stuck to the same routine, just try to challenge myself. It went through my mind, ‘OK, it’s time to change.’ I was like, ‘No, stick to the same routine. Stick to the same shot.’ That was cool, I was able to do that all summer.”
What’s the longest he’s ever stuck to a routine?
“I don’t know, which is letting you know it’s not a good thing at all,” James said. “I shot 85 percent my freshman year in high school and after that, it was too easy to score and free throws didn't matter and it’s been downhill ever since.”
Putting it into action
As James sees it, he’s never needed to be elite at free throws to be elite. But with two NBA titles under his belt and “the greatest ever” distinction in sight, he has made it a top priority these days. In all likelihood, this is probably not the first offseason James has started from scratch. He’s probably tried every trick in the book to correct his free throw shot. Last season, he found some success emulating Ray Allen’s routine, but it wasn't long before he tweaked. Even after winning four MVPs, the random fluctuations still got to him.
就如同James理解的,他從來不需要成為罰球高手。但擁有兩座總冠軍頭銜和「史上最佳」榮耀近在眼前,他將罰球成為這些日子的優先改善目標。極有可能的是這不是他第一個休賽季從頭練起。他大概用了所有能用的方法來改善他的罰球。上一季,他透過模仿Ray Allen的罰球動作得到一些小小成功,但馬上他又變了。即使他獲得了四座MVP,這些隨機波動依然糾纏著他。
“I can go in the gym during the offseason after my workout dead-tired and shoot 150 free throws and make 150 free throws,” James said. “That means absolutely nothing until you get out on the floor and you actually do it.”
James isn't alone in this struggle. A fascinating photo snapped by ESPN Radio’s Beto Duran last season informed us that at one point last season that Dwight Howard had made 82 percent of his 1,582 free throws in practice. 82 percent!
受罰球之苦的人不只James一人。一張由ESPN Radio’s Beto Duran所拍攝的令人眼睛為之一亮的照片告訴我們上一季Dwight Howard曾在某一次的罰球練習中罰1,582顆命中82%。82%你敢信!
In games? Just 49.5 percent. But Howard wasn't the only one to buckle under the pressure. Even if we take Howard out of the equation, the Lakers’ free-throw percentage tumbled from 89 percent on the practice floor to 77 percent in real action. In other words, the Lakers went from Kevin Durant to LeBron James once the bright lights came on.
比賽中呢?只有49.5%。但Howard並不是唯一一位在壓力中變差的人。即使把Howard從中移除,整個湖人隊的罰球命中率也從練習時的89%掉至比賽時的77%。換句話說,湖人隊一但開始比賽,罰球便從Kevin Durant變成LeBron James。
Though it’s unlikely that James actually reaches his goal next season, we probably shouldn't doubt him at this point either. Three seasons ago, James didn't have a reliable postgame or a knockdown 3-point shot. Now he has both. One-by-one James has turned almost all of his remaining weaknesses into strengths. The last skill standing is the free throw. If he figures that out, what then? The “greatest ever” tag may not be so far after all.