The Worst Shooters So Far
On Wednesday, we looked at the most efficient scoring players in the league. Today, we flip it around and report the bad news. Like Wednesday's list, I limited this list to players with at least 300 field goal attempts, which gets Ricky Rubio and some others off the hook this time, but the season is young and this group will evolve over time.
在星期三,我們看到現在聯盟中最有效率的得分手。(這篇文:今天,我們來和大家講講故事的另一面。就像星期三的名單一樣,我將名單的條件設為至少300次出手。這條件讓Ricky Rubio和一些其他球員在這次專題中掉出名單外。但球季還長,這名單也會隨著時間變化。
Anyway, this is always a depressing exercise, because every year this list is full of great young talent who, for whatever reason, can’t make shots. This year is no exception. Everyone on this list is under 30 — there are two rookies — and every player here has the potential to be a really good NBA player. And of course, Josh Smith is back.
不管如何,做這項專題一直都讓人沮喪。因為每年一堆年輕有天分的球員都擠進這份名單,不知為何,他們就是無法投進球。今年也不例外。這名單的每位成員都小於30歲,而且有兩位菜鳥。同時,裡面每位球員都有潛力成為非常優秀的NBA球員。沒錯,Josh Smith回到這份名單了。
So, in no particular order:
Tyreke Evans, ShotScore per 100 shots: -24
Tyreke Evans is one of the most enigmatic players in the league. Anyone with eyeballs can see how gifted he is, but he just can’t shoot ... or can he? Here are two stats about Evans from this season:
Tyreke Evans是聯盟中最謎樣的球員之一。任何有長眼的人都看得出他天花板多高,但他就是沒辦法投進球,或者…其實他能?以下是Evans這季的兩個數據:
• Has made 82 percent of his free throws.
• Has made only 24 percent of his field goal attempts beyond eight feet.
I have trouble reconciling these two facts; how can a player so smooth at the line look so awful from the field? To his credit, Evans seems to be self-aware enough to not be an active jump shooter, but it is still frustrating. His ability to knock down free throws demonstrates that he has great touch, but something mechanical breaks down when he is shooting off the dribble. It seems like the right shooting coach could make it click, and if he could just convert those jumpers at league-average rates, his overall game would soar. He has all-world attacking skill, but without the threat of the jumper his defenders can sag and overprotect those driving lanes.
Tony Wroten, ShotScore per 100 shots: -21
Speaking of Evans, a player who has been described as the "poor man’s Tyreke Evans" is, unsurprisingly, having a bad year from the field. In some ways, Tony Wroten’s shot chart looks like he should play for the Rockets; he absolutely refuses to shoot in the midrange. But unlike those guys in Houston, Wroten doesn’t make his 3s very often. He’s been pretty active beyond the arc, and he’s been terrible out there. Out of 85 players with at least 100 3-point attempts, Wroten is 84th in efficiency. Spoiler alert: Josh Smith ranks 85th.
談到Evans,一位被稱為「窮人版Tyreke Evans」的球員,不意外的也有著掙扎的投籃球季。某方面來說,Tony Wroten的投籃圖表似乎表示著他應該為火箭隊打球。他完全不想要投中距離。但不像火箭隊球員,Wroten無法砍進那些三分球。他在三分外線表現得相當積極,同時,他在那邊的表現也相當糟。總共有85位球員本季出手至少100球三分球,Wroten的效率是第84名。有雷!Josh Smith的排名是85。
Victor Oladipo, ShotScore per 100 shots: -18
Oladipo is one of the best rookies in the league. He looks like the kind of player that will get better and savvier each year, and I bet he’ll have a long career in the league. Still, like many young players, he struggles to score. So far this year, Oladipo is a below-average producer everywhere on the court, with one exception: He’s pretty decent near the right elbow, which is encouraging. If he can develop that pull-up move, a lot of other things will fall into place. He has often been compared to Dwyane Wade, but as a scorer, he’s going to have to vastly improve his finishing skills to earn that comparison going forward.
Oladipo是聯盟最佳的菜鳥。他看起來會年年成長,而且會更加理解球賽內容。同時,我敢打賭他在能在聯盟中生存很久。然而,就像許多年輕球員般,得分對他來說不容易。這季目前為止,Oladipo在球場的任何一處的得分效率都低於平均。除了一處,他在右邊肘區的表現很不錯,這頗激勵人。如果他可以長出那個拔起來跳投的招,那很多問題便能解決。他常常被拿來和Dwyane Wade比,但就一個得分手來說,他還要更努力在加強自己的得分技巧,才能贏得和Wade比較的權利。
Michael Carter-Williams, ShotScore per 100 shots: -17
Like Oladipo, the Sixers' Michael Carter-Williams is another very strong rookie performer who is having trouble scoring. In fact, though he is currently the favorite to win the Rookie of the Year award, Carter-Williams is having a very tough debut season as a shooter overall.
如Oladipo一般,七六人的Michael Carter-Williams是另一位超級新人,卻有得分上的問題。即使現在他是新人王的最愛人選,事實上,Carter-Williams以得分手的角度來說,這菜鳥年並不輕鬆。
After a promising start, his efficiency numbers have plummeted. He has made less than a third of his shots outside of eight feet, and has been particularly bad from the top of the arc, where other point guards like Damian Lillard and Jose Calderon excel. More than any other team in the league, the Sixers should go out and find the best shooting coach in the world. Carter-Williams, Wroten, and Nerlens Noel are each potential stars, but their inability to shoot stands in their way.
在充滿前途的開季後,他的效率數據便筆直下滑。他在八呎外的出手命中率不到33%。在弧頂位置他尤其糟糕,而這位置是像Damian Lillard和Jose Calderon等後衛最精通的位置。在聯盟中所有球隊,就屬七六人最應該去找全世界最好的投籃教練。Carter-Wiliiams、Wroten和Nerlens Noel都是潛力新星,但他們無法投籃的能力卻檔住那條康莊大道。
Does Chip Engelland like cheesesteaks? Sam Hinkie should find out; Brett Brown should already know.
Chip Engelland喜歡起司牛排嗎?Sam Hinkie應該要知道。而Brett Brown早該知道了。(譯按:Sam Hinkie為七六人GM;Brett Brown為七六人總教練。)
Josh Smith, ShotScore per 100 shots: -16
If you haven’t seen this, I guess we should start here:
Sometimes I feel like every column I write about bad shooting is a Lynyrd Skynyrd concert and the part where I rant about Josh Smith is “Free Bird.” Everyone knows it’s coming, but I have to do it anyway.
有時候我覺得每篇我寫關於投籃能力差的專欄,都像是Lynyrd Skynyrd的演唱會般。而我侃侃而談Josh Smith的部分就像是「Free Bird」這首歌般。大家都知道他會出現,但我還是得作。
Last summer, I was very excited when Smith entered free agency; I felt that in the proper offense, under the right coach, and alongside the right teammates, something might click and his All-Star potential could finally be unlocked. I have always claimed that if Smith would only focus on offensive rebounding, attacking the basket, and operating on the blocks, he’d be a really great player.
I still feel that way, but Detroit is just not the place, at least right now. It’s an unstable situation, the offensive tactics are unclear at best, and with young bigs like Greg Monroe and Andre Drummond clogging up the paint there’s no room in the Pistons frontcourt. As a result, Smith plays the 3 too much, and in turn he’s taking even more jumpers than he did in Atlanta.
我依舊這麼認為,但活塞隊就不是他能當那個角色的球隊,至少現在不會是。現在活塞隊的狀況不穩定,進攻戰術充其量還在不明朗的階段。而且,有著像Greg Monroe和Andre Drummond這些年輕長人塞在油漆區,活塞前場已經沒空間了。結果就是Smith打太多小前鋒,這使得他的跳投出手比在老鷹隊還要多。
This is like sending Cookie Monster to a rehab run by the Keebler Elves.
這就像是叫餅乾公司的Keebler Elves把愛吃餅乾的Cookie Monster送去餅乾勒戒所一樣。
What if Smith had landed in a place like Dallas? Something tells me his chart would look different this year. But he’s in Detroit, and I may as well have copied and pasted this chart from his Atlanta days because it feels like a rerun, and this bird has not changed.
According to ShotScore, these are the five least-efficient volume shooters in the NBA so far this season. However, they are not alone, and some of these guys may very well shoot their way out of the cellar. If you’re looking for other bricklayers around the league, here are some other guys to watch: Rubio, Ramon Sessions, Cody Zeller, Jeff Teague, Brandon Jennings, and Jeff Taylor, who may actually be the worst shooter in the NBA right now. Although shooting is only one component of offense, it’s a really important one, and although these players all have lots of potential, their inability to convert shots is what's preventing them from turning potential into reality.
這就是根據ShotScore分析的目前聯盟最沒效率的大量得分手。不過,他們並不孤單,而且這五位球員也很有可能谷底反彈。如果你在尋找聯盟中其他的鐵匠,以下上需要關注的幾位:Rubio、Ramon Sessions、Cody Zeller、Jeff Teague、Brandon Jennings和Jeff Taylor。而Jeff Taylor現在真的是NBA中最差的射手。雖然,投籃只是進攻的一環,但它是相當重要的環節。同時,雖然這些球員有著很大的潛力,他們無法投籃的問題正是讓潛力無法發揮的原因。
不過第一位的TE和第五位的Josh Smith可就沒這麼樂觀了!